It's here ladies and gentlemen, the sequel to the highest earning movie ever.....its SPIDERMAN
Right, now that im calm i can properly review this film, i could summarise the review in 2
simple words....F***IN AMAZING!!!!!!!
Oh my dear god if you dont like this movie then god rest your poor demented little soul, this
movie out does the original in many ways, special effects, the villain, ending, the action sequences and the storyline/plot/theme
thingy-meebobby-hoojeemaflip!! (i got confused there soz!)
the only things that put the movie down is that there is too much love story n girly stuff
and that you cant see Kirsten Dunst's nipples properly when she gets wet, which she does a wee bit. (if you remember the first
one you will understand!!) all in all you need to see this if you saw and enjoyed the first film!!! (and the game of it is
well gd 2!!!!) Ok if u knw the words sing wiv me, spiderman spiderman does woteva a spider can, spins a web any siz ca.........hello.....where
is every1??? i aint dat bad at singing....hello..? (tumbleweed rolls past) BASTARDS!

Well what can i say, this movie rocks! If you liked the A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET series and the FRIDAY
THE 13th series then you will love this. The 2 equally cool serial killers from the 2 movies go head-to-head in this
horror/comedy that sometimes is like a very violent action movie. The storyline goes like this, Frdedy ressurects Jason to
wreak havoc in Elm Street and make the teenagers give Freddy power with their fear so he can return from hell and kill the
teenagers in their dreams, just like the good old days. But once Freddy has his powers back, he has trouble stopping Jason
hogging all the killing glory and wants to stop him once and for all. So, one little town is inbetween the 2 killers battle,
and must try to stop them before its too late. Well, if you like your gore and violence (which i do) and you would like to
see that bitch Kelly Rowland from Destiny's Child die because of her shit acting then watch this (but you have to wait til
the end, DAMN!). The 2 people who have an obsession with this to are Graeme Kilmurray and Ronit Hyman, my Freddy vs Jason
superfans! YAY!