This movie is absolutely brilliant. Its the sequel
to CHILD'S PLAY, (which i havnt seen, DAMN!) n it sees the notorious Possessed doll 'Chucky' terrorising little Andy
Barclay again. To put you out yer misery ill tell you the story of the first one. A serial killer is shot dead and his soul
goes into the body off a "GOOD GUY" doll and Andy Barclay is the unlucky kid who gets the doll for his birthday, UH-OH !!!!
Chucky then tells Andy his "secret" and has to put his soul into Andy's body because he is the first person to know about
the secret because thats the way the spell works. PHEW! Thats all you need to know but he kills some people n gets killed
at the end. The plot of the second is that Chucky gets ressurected by some stupid employees at the "GOOD GUY DOLLS" Factory.
Chucky then finds his way to Andy, who has now been fostered, and once again tries to put his soul into Andy. What it lacks
in plot ideas it gains in laughs. Chucky's jokes are hillarious. What makes this movie brill is the jokes, the original idea
of a possessed/killer doll, and the great finale at the end which sees Andy with his foster sister Kyle stuck in the "GOOD
GUY DOLLS" Factory with Chucky!!!! But sadly they kill him...........(what a complete set of bastards ya!)! But, don't fear
there is a 3rd (which is shite) movie a 4th (Bride of Chucky, hillarious) and soon to be a 5th (Seed of Chucky, mazin!). A
MUST SEE SERIES OF FILMS (except the third on, SHIT!). Until the 5th movie, don't get a cool looking ginger killer doll for
your birthday/christmas!!

Here it is, the film that me and graeme have had wet dreams about (or was that just me? cough)
ever since i foind out about it! This movie is EFFING amazing!!!! I mean me n graeme have had arguments over who won n stuff
ever since we saw it, n im right btw graeme!!!!
The good things about this film, hhmmmmmmmm, how bout, ALL OF IT!!! The effects, the plot
(god bless the man who thought of it), the action n the ending (a door left open for a sequel? Damn straight ma home-doggy
dogs!). lol. anyway! Hell mend anybody who hasnt seen this. GET THY LAZT ANUSES TO THY NEAREST CINEMA!!! THOU SHALT BUY THE
TICKETS N THOU SHALL WATCH THY MOVIE! Ahem! Sorry! Please make me stop, please, just see it, believe me..........in fact..*cough*
my chest is....oh......OW...Oh, my...God...Heeeeeeeeeeeelp! *Alien bursts out of chest* REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!

"Do you know the Muffin Man?"
"The Muffin Man?"
"The Muffin Man!"
"Yes I know him, who lives on Drury Lane."
"Well, she's married to the Muffin Man."
"The Muffin Man?"
Lol!!!! One of the classic moments from the classic movie! I actually don't need to tell you
the plot because, obviously, you have all seen the movie. It's definetely one of the funniest things, especially the little
song from the wooden people in Farquaard's courtyard!!!! LOLZ!
"we can wipe our........face!"
"WOW! Lets do that again!"
Watch it again and again and maybe again!
Right you all know the words so altogether now:
"Do you know the Muff......"
Hello? Where is everybody hello???!